


Appointments can be made by telephoning 0121 516 0363 or by calling into the surgery during normal opening hours.

We also offer on-line booking for appointments. Please speak to reception for registration to this service

Patients are requested to cancel their appointment if required in good time so that it may be offered to other patients.

Our staff are multilingual and can converse in Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali and Hindi. Please note that an interpreting service is available for other languages however this needs to be arranged prior to booking your appointment. Please contact reception for further details.


If you are experiencing a serious medical problem such as severe chest pain or severe bleeding then please go to the nearest Accident & Emergency department or phone 999 before calling the surgery.

If you are suffering with an illness that requires treatment on the same day then please telephone the surgery to speak to a doctor who will give advice over the phone or arrange an appointment for you.

Temporary Residents

Patient’s relatives and friends from overseas are welcome at the practice should they fall ill during their visit. Please contact reception for more information including fees.

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